Your Emails!!!
I was reading thru the emails you guys have been sending to
THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! So with that being said... I gather that you guys
have a lot of questions LOL but you don't post them under the comments, which is
OK!!! I mean is not like you have to comment or anything (rolls eyes)
I enjoy reading them and replying, but I though many other people might
have the same questions and many of you do!!! So I’m going to change my format
into a Monday thru Friday posting with different themes not always a recipe to
satisfy the readers.
So stay tune for the changes!!!! HUNK FRIDAY Is staying!!!
LOL so no worries!!! And we will have a recipe or two a week.
Making Vegan Strawberry Shortcake cookies Today so stay tune for the recipe tomorrow... I know is a summer thing, but dammit I miss summer and this is going to be a nice reminder!!! Also this week...
Vegan Pumpkin ginger Cupcakes with a Orange ginger cream-cheese icing. and...
A new "You put that where" Thursday post!!! Is something you want to check out :)
Some amazing Salmon Cakes!!!! YUMMY!!!
Till Then Happy Eating and Bear HugZ!!!!
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