Talk To Me!!!

So yea I would like to taste the world you guys experience or well the 

spices and things that travel well LOL... I life in Florida now so I'm 

limited to my Area when it comes to the kind of tropical things I can 

get, but you guys live all Over so send me a little piece of you. Good 

examples: Spices, Olives, Extra virgin Olive oil, coconut oil... and so 

on and so forth. I want to travel the world thru you guys. I will make 

sure to feature you on the "About you" page with a picture of the item 

and your little back story! 

Since I don't officially have an Address for the next 3 months this IDEA is under Construction, but you can still send me comments and emails on what yummy things are in your city's and towns!!!

Anything and Everything send it!

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